“When we talk about global crisis, or a crisis of humanity, we cannot blame a few politicians, a few fanatics, or a few troublemakers. The whole of humanity has a responsibility because it is our business, human business. I call this a sense of universal responsibility. “ – The Dalai Lama
I believe in being fair, honest, and transparent at all times. I understand hard work, family values, and diplomacy are the key to a success community. Mecklenburg County has an issue with homelessness, poverty, and several deficiencies in our education system. The platforms that I plan on working on if elected are: ensuring all citizens have quality healthcare, changing laws to ensure our seniors have lower taxes on home ownership, and ensuring our foster care children have more services and opportunities before aging out of the system. I have always spoken up on issues, and made time to be a listening ear when needed. I have many ideas to incorporate as the new County Commissioner for District 3.